Friday, February 16, 2018

Insurance Careers Month: Q&A with Wendy Shubeck, Customer Service Representative

Besides the agents in our office, we have support staff who also assist clients with their insurance needs, whether it's answering general questions or resolving an issue. Wendy Shubeck is our Customer Service Representative, and she is responsible for a number of tasks in our office. Below, Wendy talks a little bit more about her role here at ETA: 

Name: Wendy A. Shubeck

Title: Customer Service Representative/Accounting

Years in the Industry: 3 years

Years at ETA: 3 years in March 

What are some of your main job duties?  Customer Service Rep/Accounting

How did you get into this field?  I applied for and was offered the receptionist job, and learned about home and auto insurance in the process. I then became our agency's first Customer Service representative.

Describe a typical day for you.  I help our clients with issues like pending cancel notices, processing and make payments, and assisting our agents with various tasks. I also handle the accounting, invoicing, and commissions for our agency. I also answer the phone and assist walk-in clients when they stop by.  Every day I learn something new.

What do you like best about your job? Everything. I love learning new things, the people I work are the best, and I have an awesome boss!

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