Now that you’ve gotten your home ready for fall by using
these tips,
it’s time to do the same with your car.
Just like your home, fall is a great time to do some preventative maintenance
on your vehicle before it’s tested by harsh winter weather. Depending on where
you live, you may get snow and ice as early as October, so it’s important to
have your vehicle ready.

Check tire tread. If
you get a lot of snow and ice where you live, it’s critical that you have good
tires on your vehicle. Make sure the
tread is in good shape and not worn
down so you have good traction.
Check and replace
brake pads as needed. Good brakes are another necessity in bad weather. You need to be able to go downhill
slowly and navigate safely if you
skid on an icy patch. You want to make
sure your brake pads have enough “grab” so they can help you stop suddenly if
you need to.
Check headlights. Visibility
is essential when driving in snow and icy conditions, and if one of your
headlights is out, it can be very risky to simply rely on one to see where you’re
going. Replace any burned out head- or
taillight bulbs to ensure your visibility is good.
Assemble an emergency
kit. Bad weather can strike at any time, so make sure you’re prepared. Pack
an emergency kit to keep in your trunk that contains cat litter (to help with
traction if you’re stuck), a flashlight with extra batteries, a blanket, and
even some non-perishable food just in case.
Auto maintenance is essential all year round so your vehicle is in good working condition. Accidents can happen for a variety of reasons, but some preventative maintenance can go a long way towards keeping you and your passengers safe. ETA Benefits Group
works with several auto insurance carriers and can shop around to find the best
coverage for your needs. Contact us for a free, no obligation quote.
What else can you do
to prepare your car for winter weather? We’d love to hear from you in the comments
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