Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Fun Fall Activities for the Whole Family

For many of us, fall is a favorite time of year. There’s that slight nip in the air, football on the TV every weekend, and of course, pumpkin spice everything! Fall is the time to spend some real quality time outdoors before the harsh winter temperatures arrive and keep many of us inside.

From building a fire and toasting S’mores to tailgating before the big game, there’s no shortage of fun things for the whole family to enjoy this time of year. Below are just a few ideas:

Go on a hayride. Take a tour through a farm or the woods in a wagon and sit on an old-fashioned hay bale.  Bonus—there’s usually apple cider or hot chocolate waiting for you at the end.

Wander through a corn maze. Test out your navigational and problem-solving skills by wandering through a corn field and trying to find your way out.  

Pick apples or pumpkins (or both!) Nothing says fall like walking through a pumpkin patch and choosing just the right one to decorate your house or carve into a jack o’ lantern.  Or visiting an orchard and picking apples right off the trees. Both activities should preferably be done on a day that’s a bit chilly just to add some authenticity to the whole experience.

Baking. It’s time to trade the cool treats like ice cream for the warm, comforting ones like cakes and cobblers. Now that you’ve stocked up on plenty of ingredients at the pumpkin patch or orchard, it’s time to put them to use.  Think pumpkin bread, cookies, and brownies, and of course apple cobbler and apple pie. Baking is also a great way to get kids involved. They can help measure dry ingredients or gather the items you’ll need (and taste the finished product, of course!)

Leaf peeping. Here at ETA Benefits Group, we’re fortunate to live in beautiful northeast Pennsylvania, where people come from miles around to see our colorful foliage every year. Take a drive “up north” to check out the rich and vibrant red, orange, and gold leaves that peak for a few weeks in October, then the colors fade and before long the leaves are falling off the trees. (Jumping into a pile of leaves is another fun activity all on its own!) Some places offer steam train rides through the woods, which is a unique way to admire the changing colors.

Whatever you do, make the most of this beautiful time of year!

What are some of your favorite fall activities? We’d love to hear about them in the comments below!

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